Prices are based on the weight, volume, service and destination of your shipment. Consignments may also attract surcharges for additional services.
The 9-digit shipment number (also called waybill or consignment number) is located on the left side of the invoice, about 3cm below the customer number.
To find out if your shipment has been delivered, who signed for it and other tracking information just type in your TNT consignment number on the Track & Trace page.
We calculate both the actual physical weight and the volumetric weight of your shipment. The higher of the two determines the price. To determine volumetric weight, first calculate the volume of your package and then multiply this figure by the relevant conversion factor. See Calculating Volumetric Weight for details.
Shipments that travel outside the European Union must be accompanied by a commercial invoice. Some items are considered documents and may not require a commercial invoice.
See dangerous goods for a list of items that are restricted by legislation or regulations, which can only be shipped under appropriate conditions. For more information, feel free to contact us.
Please refer to the How to ship internationally section for more details on how to handle customs and find out more about export control. You can also visit the How to pack section for tips about how to pack your goods in the most efficient way.
Our standard liability for any loss, damage are outlined within our Terms and Conditions. Additional Extended Warranty can also be purchased.
If the driver has attempted delivery and left a card, your should use the Re-delivery Service. If the driver has not yet attempted delivery or if you do not have a re-delivery card, you should contact us. Your customer's enquiry must include the consignment number, delivery address and re-delivery date. Note: Orders can only be re-delivered between Monday and Friday.
Our team is available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00
and Saturday 08:00 to 12:00
We are closed on Sunday and Public Holidays.
Call us:
13 11 50
To further strengthen our security protocols, we will soon be implementing single factor authentication process when you call our Customer Service team, in which you will be required to provide one of the following identifications: account number, tracking number, booking ID, or case ID. If you can't provide any of these, please write to us and our first available Customer Service team member will respond to your query.